Autonomous Robotics and Unmanned System are redefining the work environment of offshore infrastructures with health and safety improvements during the inspection and maintenance of wind turbines by reducing human intervention in potentially hazardous environments.
Robotic technology for applications, including air and underwater units, not only improves safety, but also increases productivity and reduces costs and reduces costs and reduces operational and maintenance (O&M) activities at risk.
In today's world, the offshore wind and oil and gas sectors are looking to improve operations and this has been effectively managed with the use of robotics and drones.
In several industries, robotics has been shown to improve productivity and quality, while reducing labor costs and dependency on work.
In addition to these benefits, the use of robotics also substantially improves safety and can take the risk of injury out of the equation if designed correctly.
For the energy industry in particular, robotics offers a multitude of additional benefits, especially when it comes to keeping workers out of harm's way.
Autonomous and robotic systems - such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and underwater remote-controlled vehicles (ROVs) - are already in use within the industry, performing tasks such as blade inspections and undersea cable inspections, respectively.
Today, many of these technologies are managed remotely with limited autonomy and typically require manual deployment, remote operation, and manual system recovery.
It is recognized that greater cost savings and greater safety could be unlocked through further automation of these technologies, so that they can operate fully autonomously.
Autonomous Robotics and Unmanned System are redefining the work environment of offshore infrastructures with health and safety improvements during the inspection and maintenance of wind turbines by reducing human intervention in potentially hazardous environments.
Robotic technology for applications, including air and underwater units, not only improves safety, but also increases productivity and reduces costs and reduces costs and reduces operational and maintenance (O&M) activities at risk.
Drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), have been dabbling throughout the energy sector for years.
Robots and drones now play a crucial role in the energy utility space as companies increasingly use robotics to manage the inspection of risky, time-consuming and hard-to-reach assets, as well as to maintain those assets and improve their operations.
Robots and drones have entered the energy and energy sectors and are finding applications in various segments such as transmission and distribution (T&D), wind, solar, nuclear, hydroelectric and fossil fuels.
Currently, there are three main use cases for robotics in utilities; asset inspection, automated and remote maintenance and nuclear material handling.
These mainly apply to the high-activity segments of the industry, including generation and T&D.
The conference on Autonomous Robotics and Unmanned Systems for Offshore Infrastructure will take place as a two-day summit and will explore the key roles of robots and unmanned systems, the application of robotics and autonomous systems (RAS) in development for l offshore wind power and how the application of artificial intelligence and autonomy is changing the way the autonomous drone for inspection and repair of wind farm blades.
The two-day conference will bring together policy makers and key thought leaders on one stage and will also provide an ideal opportunity for maximum interactions, in-depth discussions and networking with industry players; senior managers, decision makers and industry professionals make the most of robotics and system technologies and understand how these technologies will change wind farm operations.
Join us as we bring together these experts, professionals, stakeholders and leaders from around the world to discuss how to apply autonomous robotics and unmanned systems for specific offshore operations and maintenance needs.
Start: 29/06/2022
End: 30/06/2022
Phone: +420 773835492