Surgical robotics is a key factor in introducing new surgical procedures not otherwise feasible, as well as improving current procedures by providing new assistive tools that allow for greater precision and higher surgical performance.
Robotics bursts into the operating room effectively in the 21st century and its progress, while still slow, has already reached a figure of 10,000 operating robots in hospitals around the world.
CRAS 2022 aims to support and propose concrete measures to accelerate research and innovation in robotic surgery.
In this 11th edition, publications are expected on the progress in the following fields: virtual and augmented reality techniques applied to training, planning and assisted orientation; new techniques for introducing effective tactile feedback; new devices, technologies and procedures for less invasive surgery and to facilitate the execution of complex surgical tasks; and artificial intelligence for autonomous planning, driving and operations.
Extensive abstracts (2 pages) discussing new technologies for computer / robot assisted surgery are required.
Start: 25/04/2022
End: 27/04/2022
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