Since 2002 IOTHINGS has been the most important Italian event on Internet of Things technologies.
IOTHINGS covers the state of the art of technologies and applications and provides insights into business models and future challenges that Italian and foreign players must face.
The IoT market continually offers new business opportunities and it has become essential to have a second appointment during the year to keep up with developing technologies.
IOTHINGS therefore develops in two moments of the year: in spring with the Milan edition and in autumn with the appointment in Rome, where both have the same format but touch on different themes and involve different targets.
The event has a strong focus on IoT applications in large energy networks, in mobility, telecommunications, critical infrastructures, monitoring and protection and security of the territory.
Start: 15/06/2022
End: 16/06/2022
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +39 0287156782