We think of robotics as the science of building devices that physically interact with their environment
The most useful robots do it precisely, powerfully, repeatedly, tirelessly, quickly or some combination of these
The most interesting robots perhaps do it in an intelligent way as well
This course will cover the fundamentals of robotics, focusing on both the mind and the body.
We will learn about two main classes of robots: kinematic chains (robotic arms) and moving bases
For both types of robots, we will introduce methods for thinking about three-dimensional space and the relationships between coordinate frames
For robotic arms, we will use them to model the activity of delivering a payload to a specific location
For mobile robots we will introduce concepts for autonomous navigation in the presence of obstacles.
The classroom projects will use ROS, the open source robotic operating system (www.ros.org) widely used in both research and industry
The IT requirements for working on projects will include a computer configured with Ubuntu Linux and high-bandwidth Internet access to download and install ROS packages.
Web: https://www.coursary.com/course/robotics-MQT0512d?fromfld=lpnxt®=wst&tpl=a100456
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