Soft Robot

Plural ➝ Soft robots

Also known as soft-bots


  • A flexible robot that can adapt its shape to suit the task or environment.
  • A robot that is made of compliant, or flexible materials, such as silicone, rubber, or gels to bend, twist, and deform in a way that is similar to living organisms.


Flexible robot, Biomimetic robot


Rigid robot, Hard robot


Combination of “soft” meaning flexible and elastic, and “robot”.

The term began appearing in the scientific literature in the early 21st century in opposite to hard robot which are commonly made of rigid material like metal.

Related terms

Robot – Robotics – Biorobot – Bio-inspired robotics

Applications and use cases

Explore the whole world of soft robotics.


How are soft robots different from traditional robots?
Soft robots are different from traditional robots in that they are made of compliant, or flexible materials, such as silicone, rubber, or gels, which allows them to bend, twist, and deform in a way that is similar to living organisms. This makes them more adaptable, safe to be around humans, and suitable for soft environments.

What are some examples of soft robots?
Examples of soft robots include snake-like robots that can navigate through tight spaces, soft robotic hands that can grasp and manipulate delicate objects, and soft robots that can swim or crawl.

What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of using soft robots?
Advantages of using soft robots include their ability to adapt to different environments, flexibility and safe interaction with humans and delicate objects. However, they can be difficult to control and may lack the precision and strength of traditional robots, and their components may be more fragile and require more maintenance.

Other in Robot Glossary

Turing Test

A test of a machine’s ability to exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human


Hybrot is a hybrid robot that combines biological and mechanical components to achieve unique capabilities

Other terms in robot vocabulary

Turing Test

A test of a machine’s ability to exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human


Hybrot is a hybrid robot that combines biological and mechanical components to achieve unique capabilities

AI – Artificial Intelligence

The simulation of human intelligence in machines to perform tasks such as learning, decision making, problem solving, visual perception and natural language processing

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